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Location: lake placid, florida

Monday, June 29, 2009

when there's a will

well, you know the rest.
my bicep tendon is very inflamed, so is the bursa in my left shoulder. and it has calcium deposits.
the good news is the rotator cuff looks fine.

so, i have to keep wearing a sling and ice is my new best friend.

i've been going mad from boredom. no knitting for almost 2 months.

hmmm, usually i spin left hand forward.

how hard would it be to switch to right hand forward, so my poor decrepid left hand could simply lay in my lap and hold the fiber?

so i found the fluffiest, wiriest, sproingiest fiber in the stashola, totally ready to spin.

gotland/border leicester/corriedale in green gold from spirit trail fiberworks.

and grabbed the walnut van eaton fold/n/tote.

divided the roving and spun up 3 bobbins.

stuck a fat book under the lazy kate, trying to make a 45 degree angle. maybe warren should have more pages written about him , not quite 45.

since it's not a smooth fiber, and i was using my other hand, perfect yarn was not the goal.

i love the yarn, and if i can ever knit again, i think it will be one of those felted dumpling bags that hang from your wheel. maybe with a little embroidery :-)

rajah has found a new use for the van eaton's bag.

shimmo says come on in, the water's fine!

Friday, June 19, 2009

meet my new baby

baby wolf!

schacht cherry 8 harness baby wolf from the yarn barn of kansas.

excellent customer service!

the red rayon chenille warp is a kit from cotton clouds. since i didn't have a warping board, or warping reel here, i called around til i found this kit, it has a precut warp chain.

i haven't woven in a few years, deborah chandler's book "learning to weave", and sallie guy's weaving video "tips and tricks" are invaluable learning tools.

here the reed is sleyed, 15 epi, i used a 10 dent reed, and sleyed it 2/1.

iow, sleyed 2 threads in one dent, 1 thread in the next dent, to make it 15 ends per inch in a 10 dent per inch reed.

the warp is tied in bundles with rubberbands behind the reed so the little suckers don't have a chance to fall out ;-)

next the warp is threaded through the heddles. it is threaded in a straight twill, but will be woven tabby or plain weave.

i separated 4 heddles at a time in order, so i wouldn't make a booboo.

but i did make a major mistake. i had way too many heddles on the harness, and since i was using the entire weaving width, there was no room for all those extra heddles to go on the sides.

deep breath

nothing to do but unthread the heddles, lift the harnesses out, take off the extra heddles and rethread.

uh, a learning exprience i am putting in writing in hopes i don't ever repeat it ;/)

i tied a white cotton string onto the middle of the reed, and threaded each side of the warp through the heddles from the center out.

finally the warp is wound onto the warp beam in the back, and tied to the cloth beam in the front.

first i wove with some thick white yarn to evenly space out the warp.

wheehee! actual weaving! the weft is a solid red rayon chenille. the warp is 3 colors of red rayon chenille, i threaded the 3 colors in a random pattern.

love it!

why does the weaving go so much more quickly than the setup?

outside photo-

inside photo, just to try and show more of the lovely drape. i wish you could feel the fabric :-)

21 1/2" by 41 1/2".

the cloth will be made into 2 large pillows for my son and ddil for christmas. i'll sew a solid back onto the pllows.

now for some gingersnaps!

a little waffle before the beach-
look at that facey- i just want to kiss her and kiss her!


daddy and gingersnap in the lake.

pappa reading a bedtime story, thank goodness we will be seeing her soon!

rebecca came for a visit with her new puppy, moby. he is a mini-shimmo!
madaket likes him.

just to show you how insane my cat really is.
rajah leaps from the bartop up to the stair railing-

then he climbs up to the top. the railing is about an inch and a half wide!
now for the ratty news. somehow i have totally messed up my left rotator cuff and bicept tendon. why didn't anyone warn me how painful cortisone shots are?
a week later, my first physcal therapy session . during the evaluation the physical therapist (i love her) told me i also have carpal tunnel in both wrists.
as we say in the south- how nice.