Back at home from Rhinebeck, as usual the festival weekend goes by too quickly.
This year I was pretty restrained, the only two things were Maggie's Farm Shepherd's Friend Hand Creme and Wood Beams.
The Shepherd's Friend was easy to find in Maggie's booth. The Wood Beams was a quest, no one that normally has it had it. The Bosworths finally told me I could find it at Bittersweet Woolery, yay!
We hit the Festival merchandise booth early Saturday. A tote in black for me, love this year's logo and a denim shirt for Tom.
Four spools of silk thread from Serendipity Farm and Studio, which I thought would be perfect for core spinning or as a binder for boucle. A clover yarn cutter with a blue glass fob from Shipyard Point Glassworks. And Goat Milk liquid soap from Utopia Bath, Ltd, to try as a face wash.
In the fiber department, eight ounces of washed Coopworth locks from Hatchtown Farm, I wanted to show my friend Angela Judith MacKenzie's wolf spinning.
I was trying so hard to be good, Saturday Angela and I looked at the fleece sale in the afternoon. Fairly picked over. But there was one sweet little grey Romney fleece with a blue (very good) dot on the judge's tag. I resisted.
Sunday morning Angela and I watched Judith's "Three Bags Full" video. All you want to do after watching that video is plunge your hands into a fleece.
When we returned to the fair Sunday morning, and the wee Romney was still there, kismet.
The Romney is From Brookworks LLC in Summit, NY. Now it is rinsing in my washing machine in mesh bags. It has a lot of crimp for a Romney and is fairly soft. I am hoping to comb it, spin it worsted, and use it for a warp.
2011's Tour de Fleece spinning was six + pounds of brown Merino woolen spun for a weft. Hopefully the Romney's grey with brown tips will look nice with the cocoa brown Merino.
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