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Location: lake placid, florida

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

perfectly pressed pieces

the other day on fibertraditions, caroline asked how we blocked knitting. usually i wet block after the whole garment is sewn together.

kimberly is a good exception. because the pieces are stockinette, they curled badly.
and since you have to sew the stranded inserts into the vents on the back and sleeves, i wanted to make sure the inserts fit properly. hence the steam blocking with a wet towel. they do look a hell of a lot better ;-)

next i have to duplicate stitch the colors into the inserts, then sew together, knit up the collar and the button bands.

as per usual, i am bored to tears by this stage of the game, and looking for any excuse to play with something else.

there is a kal coming up for the sweaters from camp book. i have always loved the snow sky sweater. since i can't wear shetland yarn (too itchy) must look for a sub. at rhinebeck, a vendor had the most lovely fingering weight merino in natural colors. now where did i put all those business cards....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're inspiring me to knit that gorgeous sweater! But I hate sewing sweaters up at the end. Blech. I loved your remedy for the vents. Can't wait to see it when finished! I remain your sister in analness, Rosemary. :)

1:04 PM  
Blogger e's knitting and spinning blog said...

Looks amazing! I can't wait to see a wearing it pic!

1:43 PM  
Blogger DeeAnn said...

Don't get too bored, it's gorgeous! Amazing how well it blocked out. Look forward to seeing it all together.

Happy knitting!

2:24 PM  

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